• Jamila Prowse - Things We Remember, Things We Uncover, Things We Can Never Know (2023)
  • Jamila Prowse - IMG_0010
  • Jamila Prowse - IMG_0016
  • Jamila Prowse - IMG_0007
  • Jamila Prowse - IMG_0013

Things We Remember, Things We Learn, Things We Can Never Know (2023)

Things We Remember, Things We Learn, Things We Can Never Know (2023) is a new series of paintings processing the artist’s grief at losing a parent at the age of three, and simultaneously losing access to one side of her heritage. Playing with the blur of memories of lost loved ones, between our own memories, things we are told and family photographs; made only more confusing from losing him at the age of three, when so many of our earliest memories are forming. The series depicts family photographs (including camera flares), imagines scenes based on stories the artist has been told by other people, and the few things she remembers of her dad (namely, his love of Tunnocks tea cakes and his collection of cassette tapes).